Santangelo Law Offices Celebrates 33 Years in Business


1991. That year will be remembered for the conflict of the Gulf War, the release of the Super Nintendo, the dissolving of the Soviet Union, and the opening of a small IP law firm on Oak Street in Fort Collins, Colorado…

Luke Santangelo circa 1991, back when he had hair.

Luke Santangelo was a physicist with a law degree and a passion for inventing. He had a great idea for a voice recognition switch for electronic devices and began working with a patent attorney to protect it.

Unfortunately, the experience he had trying to secure his patent was less than satisfactory. With a little investigation, he realized he wasn’t the only one; other inventors were encountering the same. He felt that the traditional patent lawyer practice wasn’t serving inventors as they should, and the attorneys didn’t really understand their needs.

Luke took this opportunity to make a career move and shifted gears from general attorney/physicist/inventor to IP attorney. His goal was to provide companies and individuals with intellectual property services that were efficient but didn’t compromise on the level of quality or thought that went into them.

Because of Luke’s relationships with technology companies in the area, business was brisk for him and the paralegal and patent agent on his staff from the very start. Santangelo Law Offices quickly transformed from start-up to thriving practice.

To date, Luke and his team have registered over one thousand patents and trademarks from their office on the third floor of the Key Bank Tower on Howes Street in Fort Collins, having moved right across the street from their original office 18 years ago.

Luke loves working with creative people and helping them protect their ideas. He is proud of the work they do from his office, helping to contribute to an important aspect of society and progress. Technology will continue to rapidly advance, and new ideas will need to be protected, giving them plenty of companies and individuals to assist for years to come.

Here’s to another 30+ years!

If you have an idea that could change the world, or even change just one piece of it, tell us about it, and we will work with you to turn your ideas into an asset.

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